What does it really mean to endorse the Earth Charter? For me it meant becoming an Earth Charter activist - a human networking vehicle sharing the Earth Charter and inviting people to endorse. It also meant striving to live and learn the principles found within the Earth Charter.

I had learned about how the U.S. Mayors Association had endorsed the Earth Charter so I wanted to see if the Mayor of Taos would add his towns signature to the list of growing townships that were endorsing. I knew it was important to first share the Earth Charter with the citizens of the community and so my basic strategy was to collect 100 signatures while sharing and then bring the petition to the Mayor.
For 3 days I spent time in front of the health food store talking with people and it was such an amazing experience because I had never done anything like it before and the way that the store management, customers, and citizens were so curious and friendly was a great encouragement.
The principles of the Earth Charter open up so much possibility for meaningful dialogue about our global issues and even if I had not been collecting signatures or had any kind of a plan I still would have not missed the opportunity to learn so much from the people I spoke with.
One major thing that kept coming up was how people so much want to see good things happen in the world but they simply are under the gun of our broken economic system and warped calendar/clock that leaves no room for most people to even have time to relax let alone take up a cause.
After the 3 days of meaningful information sharing and signature collecting I called the Mayor and made an appointment to see him to present the petition for his consideration. Most people don't know how easy it is to actually have direct contact with city/gov officials and they never even try. I only had to wait a week for the appointment and I was warmly greeted by the Mayor and granted 30 minutes of his time.
I first gave him a 5 minute overview of the Earth Charter's key points and where and how it originated. I gave him a brochure and then the petition and asked him if he could please present it to the city council for a vote. He was personally very intrigued and he agreed to present it and call for a vote. I gifted him an Earth Charter poster for his office and thanked him for his time.
I had to continue on my journey to Colorado the next day (I had postponed so I could make the appointment with the Mayor) but when I left Taos I felt deeply satisfied.
My journey continued on from there and I had many more opportunities to network/share the Earth Charter. Other places where I have successfully shared and got endorsements include:
- Non-profit Organizations
- Businesses
- Churches
- Native American reservations
- Private schools
- Youth groups
- Clubs

Just remember that when you share information it will be your own passion and energy that creates the desired outcome of any sharing that you offer and don't be discouraged by the occasional paranoid weirdos or apathetic apes that you will inevitably encounter. The world is built on diversity and the Earth Charter invites you to practice the principles of 'respect' for all life...
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